6 Wheels From Hell (2022)


6 Wheels From Hell (2022) PosterSynopsis: Four teens encounter a psychotic truck driver and have to escape the torture chamber in the back of his murder bus. Will Detective Ford and Cooper get there in time to save them or will it be too late?

Directed by: Evan Allen

Written by: Evan Allen

Starring: MarkAnthony Baca, Evan Keys and Brenna Marie Narayan

Genre: Horror / Comedy

Category: Slasher

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Allan Smith
  • Andriana Garbiso
  • Benjamin Robison
  • Bradley Rumery
  • Brandon Petersen
  • Brandon Venturo
  • Brenda Occhipinti
  • Brenna Marie Narayan
  • Evan Keys
  • Kayla Lauzier
  • Kevin L. Sanders
  • Kolbi Jean
  • Malachi Durant
  • MarkAnthony Baca
  • Matthew Woodward
  • Mindy Gilkerson
  • Raymond Elliott
  • Ricardo Velazquez


  • Cybrid Entertainment
  • Quantum Arc Media


  • High Octane Pictures


Official Trailer:

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