Synopsis: In the style of the shocking and gritty 70’s and 80’s. Relish in every gory flesh tendril with the latest installment of the tour de force of indie horror shorts. Filmmakers from around the globe deliver the terror that will grind you up and spit you out.
Directed by: Tony Newton, Ruben Rodriguez, Eric Alfonsi, Glenn Berggoetz, Richard Chandler, Eric Elick, Mathew Fisher, Garrett Lee, Jennifer Nangle, Alex Napiwocki, John H. Shelton, Lilith Singson, Martin Sonntag and Pete Yagmin
Written by: Glenn Berggoetz, Nicole Brezzo, Richard Chandler, Daniel B. Dikov, Anders Fischer, Mathew Fisher, Garrett Lee, Jennifer Nangle, Tony Newton, John H. Shelton, Lilith Singson, Martin Sonntag and Pete Yagmin
Starring: Shawn C. Phillips, Jennifer Nangle and Hunter Johnson
Genre: Horror
Category: Anthology
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Original Title: 60 Seconds To Di3
Main Cast:
- Alex Reed
- Alexander Hauck
- Aviaja Skotte
- Daniel B. Dikov
- Danny Filaccio
- Garrett Lee
- Hayley Goldberg
- Heine Sørensen
- Hunter Johnson
- Jenna Kildosher
- Jennifer Nangle
- Jenny French
- Joe Maurer
- John H. Shelton
- Kevin McCarthy
- Lilith Singson
- Mark Ratelle
- Shawn C. Phillips
- MrSheltonTV Productions
- Vestra Pictures
- 1091 Pictures
- World Wide Multi Med
Official Trailer: