Synopsis: Hubie Dubois thanklessly spends every Halloween making sure the residents of his hometown, Salem, celebrate safely and play by the rules. But this year, an escaped criminal and a mysterious new neighbor have Hubie on high alert. When people start disappearing, it’s up to Hubie to convince the police and townsfolk that the monsters are real, and only he can stop them.
Directed by: Steven Brill
Written by: Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Julie Bowen
Genre: Horror / Comedy / Mystery
Category: Werewolf
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Adam Sandler
- Ben Stiller
- George Wallace
- Jackie Sandler
- Julie Bowen
- June Squibb
- Karan Brar
- Kenan Thompson
- Kevin James
- Maya Rudolph
- Michael Chiklis
- Noah Schnapp
- Ray Liotta
- Rob Schneider
- Sadie Sandler
- Shaquille O’Neal
- Steve Buscemi
- Tim Meadows
- Happy Madison Productions
- Netflix
Official Trailer: