Nexus Of Evil (2020)


Synopsis: Summer camp, the time in every youth’s life that is supposed to be full of adventure, young love, and life lessons, but for one group of kids their experience was mysteriously cut short with no explanation. Joel, a grieving single father arranges a summer camp reunion fifteen years later to relive the glory days, but what they actually experience is the fight of their lives as they discover what really happened so many years before.

Directed by: Brandon Smith

Written by: Anabella Smith & Brandon Smith

Starring: Cynthia Baumstarck, Ashlee Berens and Aaron Broxterman

Genre: Horror

Category: Supernatural / Survival

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Aaron Broxterman
  • Armando Garcia
  • Ashlee Berens
  • Brock Bryant
  • Cassy Broxterman
  • Cynthia Baumstarck
  • Douglas ‘Hurricane’ Hall
  • Dylynne Cosand
  • Henry Clairmont
  • Jared Broxterman
  • Jessica Davis
  • LeAndra Courtney
  • Mallory Fife
  • Nathan Eyre
  • Seth Carlin
  • Stephen Jay Clement
  • Troy Carmichael
  • Veronica Marquardt


  • Second Wind Productions


  • Nova Vento Entertainment

Release Date:

  • To be confirmed

Official Trailer:

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