Synopsis: A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurses tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore, entered the hospital a few years ago. His body was completely burned after a fire. He was treated by the doctors, but the pain and drugs drove him mad and one night a nurse went to his room, but his bed was empty, he had disappeared and was never seen again. A bell interrupts the story. The call comes from Mr. Moore’s empty room.
Directed by: Nicole Goode, Carlota Martínez-Pereda, Taz Pereyra, Erica Scoggins, Samantha Timms and Laurel Vail
Written by: Mauro Croche and Taz Pereyra
Starring: Florencia Antonucci, Bruno Giacobbe and María Eugenia Rigón
Genre: Horror
Category: Anthology
Country: Argentina / New Zealand
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Amelie Hoferle
- Bob Newman
- Bruno Giocobbe
- Caitlyn Leo
- Chelsea Blechman
- Elisabet Casanovas
- Eva Larvoire
- Florencia Antonucci
- John Henry Ward
- Karina Assad
- Katherine Morgan
- Laura Galán
- Laura Vail
- Lillian Horton
- Matt D. Mercer
- Mireia Vilapuig
- Nathan Davies
- Sara Barroso
- Black Mandala
- 4Digital Media
Official Trailer: