The Secret Of Sinchanee (2021)


Synopsis: After the recent untimely death of his father, the survivor of a mysterious double murder, returns to his childhood home where the crimes took place, only to discover that a paranormal presence has been living in the house and haunting the sacred land it was built on.

Directed by: Steven Grayhm

Written by: Steven Grayhm

Starring: Steven Grahym, Tamara Austin and Nate Boyer

Genre: Horror

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Chelsea Dinsdale
  • Chris Neville
  • Elena Capaldi
  • Emmett Spriggs
  • Jacob Schick
  • Jesse Goddard
  • Kathleen Kenny
  • Laila Lockhart Kraner
  • Margarita Reyes
  • Mark Oliver
  • Nate Boyer
  • Ricky Barksdale
  • Rudy Reyes
  • Scott Whyte
  • Skylar Schanen
  • Steven Grayhm
  • TJ Millard
  • Tamara Austin


  • Truth Entertainment
  • Team House Studios


  • Vertical Entertainment


Official Trailer:

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