Synopsis: A disgraced and demonetized internet personality attempts to win back his fans by livestreaming himself spending a night alone in an abandoned haunted house. But when he accidentally unleashes a vengeful spirit, his big comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life, as he faces off with the sinister spirit of the house and her own powerful following.
Directed by: Joseph Winter and Vanessa Winter
Written by: Joseph Winter and Vanessa Winter
Starring: Joseph Winter, Melanie Stone and Jason K. Wixom
Genre: Horror / Comedy
Category: Found Footage / Supernatural
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Ariel Lee
- Brad Warwood
- Brenden Bytheway
- Cylia Austin-Lacayo
- Doug May
- Gabe Casdorph
- Hayden Gariety
- Jared Cook
- Jason K. Wixom
- Jaxon Harker
- Jeremy Warner
- Joseph Winter
- Marty Collins
- Melanie Stone
- Pat Barnett
- Perla Lacayo
- Ruby York
- Tiffany Bori
- Winterspectre Entertainment
- Jared R Cook Productions
- Stonehaven Entertainment
- Shudder
Official Trailer: