Don’t Talk To Strangers (2021)


Don't Talk To Strangers (2021) PosterSynopsis: Four generations of Emmy’s family members have turned dangerously insane on their 30th birthday. In order to prevent her own demise, Emmy travels to her great-grandfather’s hometown in Ireland to find the person who may be responsible for this family curse.

Directed by: Anthony Baldino and Ryan Lacen

Written by: Anthony Baldino and Ryan Lacen

Starring: Paige Henderson, Brendan McCay and Mike Baker

Genre: Horror / Mystery / Thriller

Category: Psychological

Country: United States

Language: English

Original Title: Save Me from Everything

Main Cast:

  • Breffni Holahan
  • Brendan McCay
  • Danny Hansen
  • Deidre Scott
  • Gerry Cannon
  • Kieran O’Reilly
  • Maria Beltramini
  • Mike Baker
  • Paige Henderson
  • Sarah Marie Casey


  • Normal Productions


  • Glass House Distribution


Official Trailer:

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