Synopsis: Beth pays an overdue visit to her older sister Ellie, who is raising three kids on her own in a cramped Los Angeles apartment. The sisters’ reunion is cut short by the discovery of a mysterious book deep in the bowels of Ellie’s building, giving rise to flesh-possessing demons, and thrusting Beth into a primal battle for survival as she is faced with the most nightmarish version of motherhood imaginable.
Directed by: Lee Cronin
Written by: Lee Cronin
Starring: Lily Sullivan, Alyssa Sutherland and Gabrielle Echols
Genre: Horror
Category: Supernatural
Country: United States / Ireland / New Zealand
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alyssa Sutherland
- Billy Reynolds-McCarthy
- Gabrielle Echols
- Jayden Daniels
- Lily Sullivan
- Mia Challis
- Morgan Davies
- Nedim Jahić
- Nell Fisher
- Tai Wano
- Ghost House Pictures
- New Line Cinema
- Wild Atlantic Pictures
- Warner Bros.
Official Trailer: