Synopsis: Young, beautiful, and full of life vlogger Kali and her crew embark on their annual river float to commemorate the untimely loss of their friend Chuy, the first one since he overdosed and drowned a year earlier. Their partying suddenly takes a dark turn when a mysterious force plunges them into a life-and-death struggle, forcing them to face their own fears as they turn on each other, and proceed to die one by one.
Directed by: Zac Locke
Written by: Zac Locke
Starring: Scarlett Sperduto, Kaya Coleman and Grant Morningstar
Genre: Horror
Category: Slasher / Supernatural
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Christina Nguyen
- Cristobal Reyes
- Grant Morningstar
- Kate Mayhew
- Kaya Coleman
- Matt Wise
- Miguel Muñoz
- Ophelia Lichtenstein
- Scarlett Sperduto
- Rotting Press
- The Straits
- XYZ Films
Official Trailer: