Synopsis: One year after the devastating loss of their beloved friend, a group of high-profile social media influencers, basking in the opulence of a lavish Hollywood Hills mansion, finds their lives shattered when they become pawns in a chilling game of survival. A masked killer, driven by a relentless thirst for vengeance, begins a ruthless hunt, systematically exposing their deepest, most harrowing secrets. With each sinister revelation, the once-glamorous façade of their lives crumbles, plunging them into a nightmarish fight for survival. As the shadows of their past sins close in, these influencers must navigate a treacherous path, battling both the merciless killer and their own inner demons, in a desperate bid to stay alive.
Directed by: Dame Pierre and Mike Ware
Written by: Amanda Ashley Miess, Dame Pierre and Mike Ware
Starring: Kara Royster, Pedro Correa and Ciera Angelia
Genre: Horror / Thriller / Crime
Category: Serial Killer / Slasher
Country: Brazil / United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Ana Osorio
- Ashley Nicole Reed
- Brandon Perea
- Cassandra Scerbo
- Chris O’Neal
- Ciera Angelia
- Dallas Hart
- Dalton Ell
- Isabella Genovese
- Jordan Tortorello
- Kara Royster
- Kyle Matthew
- Maya Mohaupt
- Motoki Maxted
- Nathan Ansermet
- Olivia Ostlund
- Pedro Correa
- Rafael Cebrián
- Speakeasy Pictures
- Wet Paws Media
- 4Digital Media
Official Trailer:
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