Jurassic Exorcist (2024)


Jurassic Exorcist (2024) PosterSynopsis: A malevolent cult leader, consumed by vengeance, unites his dark powers with the primal fury of a prehistoric dinosaur. Together, they unleash a reign of terror upon the unsuspecting community that once obliterated his followers, seeking to exact a horrifying revenge that will leave an indelible mark of fear and destruction. The townspeople, oblivious to the approaching menace, are about to face an unimaginable nightmare as ancient ferocity and modern malice converge in an apocalyptic assault.

Directed by: Mark Polonia

Written by: John Oak Dalton

Starring: Jeff Kirkendall, Natalie Himmelberger and Ryan Dalton

Genre: Horror / Action / Science Fiction / Thriller

Category: Cult & OccultDinosaur

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Christopher Beacom
  • Ethan Maldona
  • Jamie Morgan
  • Jeff Kirkendall
  • Ken Van Sant
  • Natalie Himmelberger
  • Nathan Maldona
  • Noyes J. Lawton
  • Ryan Dalton
  • Samantha Coolidge
  • Titus Himmelberger
  • Yolie Canales


  • Polonia Brothers Entertainment


  • Wild Eye Releasing


Official Trailer:

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Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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