Wolves Against The World is a 2024 werewolf horror movie about two former neo-Nazi bandmates who reunite at their friend’s suicide site. As one spirals into depravity, the other seeks redemption, igniting a brutal occult struggle unleashing their inner beasts.
Synopsis: Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their bandmate’s tragic suicide, a place haunted by the ghosts of their violent past. One, consumed by depravity and grievance, spirals deeper into darkness, while the other is tormented by a desperate need to atone for the horrors they once unleashed. What follows is an intense, occult battle of wills, where sinister forces and internal demons clash. Each man, scarred by his past, confronts the terrifying monsters within, as one seeks to drag the other back into the abyss of the movement they once championed. Their reunion sets off a chain of chilling events, revealing the primal, feral instincts that lie dormant beneath their fractured exteriors.
Directed by: Quinn Armstrong
Written by: Quinn Armstrong
Starring: Michael Kunicki, Quinn Armstrong, Jordan Mullins
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Drama
Category: Cult & Occult, Werewolf
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Eric Six
- Jacob Southwick
- Jim Azelvandre
- Jordan Mullins
- Louie Kurtzman
- Michael Kunicki
- Quinn Armstrong
- Genre Labs
- Good Deed Entertainment
- Cranked Up Films
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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