We Bury The Dead (2024)


We Bury The Dead (2024) ImageSynopsis: Ava Newman, a relentless woman driven by a fierce determination to find her husband – dead or alive – after a catastrophic military experiment ravages the population of Tasmania, embarks on a harrowing journey. Desperate and unwilling to accept defeat, she joins a “body retrieval unit,” tasked with the grim duty of burying the countless dead. However, as she sifts through the devastation, her search takes a nightmarish turn. In the cold, silent aftermath, Ava begins to uncover the impossible – faint signs of life flickering within the lifeless bodies she’s meant to inter, hinting at horrors that defy all reason.

Directed by: Zak Hilditch

Written by: Zak Hilditch

Starring: Daisy Ridley, Brenton Thwaites and Mark Coles Smith

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Apocalypse / Survival / Zombie

Country: Australia

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Andre Rodrigues
  • Brenton Thwaites
  • Charles Walmsley
  • Chloe Hurst
  • Daisy Ridley
  • Deanna Cooney
  • Holly Hargreaves
  • Isaac Davies
  • Kym Jackson
  • Lilly Iceton
  • Luke Jai McIntosh
  • Mark Coles Smith
  • Matt Whelan
  • Megan Hollier
  • Neven Connolly
  • Patrick Fonoti
  • Ranina Zevianka
  • Salme Geransar


  • The Penguin Empire
  • Campfire Studios
  • Gramercy Park Media

Sales Rep:

  • Neon

Release Date:

  • November 2024 (Adelaide Film Festival)

Official Trailer:

  • Not yet available

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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