The Dogs (2024)


The Dogs (2024) PosterSynopsis: Fleeing his estranged father, Cameron Weaver and his mother, Katherine, take refuge in a dilapidated farmhouse on the outskirts of a remote rural town. As they try to rebuild their lives, Cameron encounters Jacky, a mysterious boy who seems to have stepped straight out of the 1960s. However, Jacky is no ordinary child – he’s a ghostly echo from a past shrouded in blood and betrayal. The farmhouse itself, with its creaking floors and shadowed corners, harbors a sinister history marked by the gruesome deaths of its previous inhabitants. As unsettling visions plague Cameron, he finds himself drawn into a chilling enigma: the line between reality and illusion blurs as he delves deeper into the farmhouse’s dark secrets. With each revelation, Cameron edges closer to unraveling a murder and confronting the chilling truths about his own fragmented past. The past is not just a ghost – it’s a living nightmare that might claim him before he can escape its grasp.

Directed by: Valerie Buhagiar

Written by: Anthony Artibello, Sheila Rogerson and Allan Stratton

Starring: Donovan Colan, Kathleen Munroe, Dylan Taylor

Genre: Horror / Thriller / Mystery

Category: Creature & Monster / Supernatural

Country: Canada

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Aidan Kalechstein
  • Amy Jean Cross
  • Andréa Grant
  • Asher Grayson
  • Clare Coulter
  • Donovan Colan
  • Dylan Taylor
  • Ian Ho
  • Kathleen Munroe
  • Kris Holden-Ried
  • Morgan Bedard
  • Patrice Goodman
  • Steven McCarthy
  • Stuart Hughes


  • Wild Media Entertainment
  • 2ofaMind Productions

Sales Rep:

  • Sublimity Entertainment

Release Date:

  • To be confirmed

Official Trailer:

  • Not yet available

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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