The Final Pact (2024)


The Final Pact (2024) ImageThe Final Pact is a 2024 supernatural horror movie that follows three young priests who, after discovering a secret final exam, encounter a woman seeking an exorcism and uncover a doorway to hell, initiating their true test.

Synopsis: Three young priests, eager to celebrate their upcoming graduation, are elated to learn about a secret final exam that promises to test their skills. The night of festivities takes a dark turn when a mysterious woman arrives, desperately seeking their help for an exorcism. Torn between duty and doubt, they agree to investigate, unaware that their decision will lead them into a nightmare. As they delve deeper into the eerie case, they stumble upon a hidden doorway – one that leads straight to hell. Suddenly, their exam isn’t just a test of faith but a fight for survival against unimaginable evil. What started as a final step toward priesthood becomes a harrowing journey through darkness, where the stakes are their souls. Their true trial has begun, and failure is not an option. This fateful encounter will push them to the very limits of faith, courage, and sanity.

Directed by: F.C. Rabbath

Written by: F.C. Rabbath

Starring: Austin Freeman, Charlie Prince, Mark A. Marple

Genre: Horror, Thriller, Drama

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Ashlee Weber
  • Austin Freeman
  • Cameron Diskin
  • Charlie Prince
  • Connor Flynn
  • Emalie Noelani
  • Henry Tisdale
  • Jessica Katz
  • Julia Vasi
  • Larry Kastner
  • Laura W. Johnson
  • Mark A. Marple
  • Mattie Ward
  • Perrone Ford
  • Sam Sneary
  • Tracy Miller Marple
  • Travis Herndon
  • Travis Sanford


  • F.C. Rabbath Creations


  • To be announced

Release Date:

  • To be confirmed

Festival Trailer:

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