A Halloween Feast (2024)


A Halloween Feast (2024) PosterSynopsis: Angela, once a celebrated dancer, succumbs to a harrowing descent into madness, plunging her family into a maelstrom of turmoil and confusion. The tipping point comes during a notorious dinner, marked by the grotesque “finger” incident, a catalyst that shatters their fragile equilibrium. As chaos engulfs them, their lives unravel in increasingly bizarre and disturbing ways: a sinister sadomasochistic power struggle emerges, a chillingly cozy coffin becomes a macabre focal point, and a blood-soaked quest involving a potentially mythical dinosaur unfolds. On Halloween night, all their buried secrets and hidden skeletons will be exposed, as a feast of horrors reveals the full extent of their unraveling sanity.

Directed by: Guile Branco

Written by: Guile Branco and Arthur McClen

Starring: Lynn Lowry, Julia Coulter and Guile Branco

Genre: Horror / Comedy

Category: Psychological

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Asia Lynn Pitts
  • Della Maylan
  • Dustin Gene
  • Giovanna Quinto
  • Guile Branco
  • Heidi Cox
  • Jackson Leighton
  • James Griggs
  • Joe Guintu
  • Julia Coulter
  • Lou D’Amato
  • Lynn Lowry
  • Mary O. Bremier
  • Nika Khitrova
  • Pancho Moler
  • Raja Deka
  • Steven D. Newton
  • Tom Brace


  • BrightKnight Entertainment
  • Dodô Filmes
  • Arkayco Productions
  • Percario Productions


  • Breaking Glass Pictures

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