Broken Bird (2024)


Broken Bird (2024) PosterSynopsis: Sybil Chamberlain, a professional mortician at a funeral parlor, has spent her life in a desperate search for love. Raised in privilege and carefree joy, her world shattered at the age of ten when a tragic accident took everything from her. The bright lights of her childhood were extinguished, leaving her engulfed in an impenetrable darkness. Now, Sybil is haunted by an aching loneliness, a void that seems impossible to fill. Her grip on reality and reason is slipping, and her dark desires are growing increasingly insatiable and uncontrollable. As she navigates her bleak existence, surrounded by the dead, she yearns for happiness and contentment. However, with the living world feeling so distant, can she ever truly find the love she seeks?

Directed by: Joanne Mitchell

Written by: Dominic Brunt and Joanne Mitchell

Starring: Rebecca Calder, James Fleet and Jay Taylor

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Psychological

Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • James Fleet
  • Jay Taylor
  • Jelena Moore
  • Jessica Yemi
  • Kerry Doyle
  • Paul Kampf
  • Rebecca Calder
  • Robyn Rainsford
  • Rupert Procter
  • Sacharissa Claxton
  • Steven William Moore


  • Catalyst Studios
  • Mitchell-Brunt Films

Sales Rep:

  • Strike Media

Release Date:

  • August  30, 2024 (Theaters)

Official Trailer:

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