Butchers Book Three: Bonesaw (2024)


Butchers Book Three Bonesaw (2024) PosterButchers Book Three: Bonesaw is a 2024 slasher horror movie about three women hunted by a brutal killer who dismembers victims in his abattoir van. As a determined sheriff unravels his trail, no one – guilty or innocent – escapes the wrath of his bonesaw.

Synopsis: Three unsuspecting women are thrust into a nightmarish fight for survival, relentlessly hunted by a deranged killer who carves his victims into pieces in the confines of his grisly abattoir van. As the bloodshed intensifies, a determined and shrewd sheriff races against time, deciphering the macabre clues left in the wake of the carnage. The killer shows no mercy, his weapon of choice – a brutal bonesaw – tearing through flesh and bone without discrimination. Innocent or guilty, anyone who crosses his path will face unimaginable terror as limbs are severed and heads brutally roll. The line between hunter and hunted blurs, and every moment counts in this heart-pounding race against death. Will justice prevail, or will the streets run red with the blood of the innocent?

Directed by: Adrian Langley

Written by: Adrian Langley, Daniel Weissenberger

Starring: Shannon Dalonzo, Naomie Malemba, Louisa Capulet

Genre: Horror, Thriller

Category: Cannibal, Serial Killer, Slasher & Gore

Country: Canada

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Doug Phillips
  • Fabio Ricci
  • Louisa Capulet
  • Marianne Laver
  • Michael Swattan
  • Naomie Malemba
  • Shannon Dalonzo


  • Grimehouse
  • NW9 Productions


  • Red Hound Films

Where Available:

  • Not yet available on streaming services

Official Trailer:

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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