Cabin Girl (2023)


Cabin Girl (2023) PosterSynopsis: In need of a fresh start. Ava Robbins, a twenty-four-year-old vlogger, moves into an isolated cabin after a traumatic roadside collision with a deer. But what starts out as a dream come true soon turns into a living nightmare. When Ava learns about a mysterious local suicide involving a young women that once lived in her new home, her interest in the supernatural triggers a series of strange events.

Directed by: Jon D. Wagner

Written by: Leslie Beaumont and Rory James Wood

Starring: Rose Lane Sanfilippo, Austin Scott and Jess Weixler

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Ali Fumiko Whitney
  • Amanda Hancock
  • Austin Scott
  • Benjamin David Dennis
  • Brian James Fitzpatrick
  • Garrett Kruithof
  • Gianna Beaumont
  • Jess Weixler
  • Josh Beckham
  • Lee Tergesen
  • Mansoor Alam
  • Matthew Scott Snyder
  • Michael Rispoli
  • Phuong Kubacki
  • Rose Lane Sanfilippo
  • Sam Ingraffia
  • Stacy Newton


  • Filmopoly


  • Tubi TV

Official Trailer:

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