Synopsis: After two crabs from space land on earth, a group of fraternity boys force-feed them cocaine, which triggers an instinct in the crabs to kill, leading to a series of mysterious deaths. Detective Charlie Reese suspects crabs, but his theory is dismissed by his captain. Determined to prove his theory, Reese teams up with a pet store employee named Alex Bailey to stop the crabs’ cocaine-fueled rampage.
Directed by: Chuck Magee
Written by: Chuck Magee
Starring: Chuck Magee, Kat Andrews and Brent G. Baker
Genre: Horror / Comedy
Category: Alien / Creature Feature
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Bo Bolin
- Brent G. Baker
- Chuck Magee
- Douglass Hoffman
- Kat Andrews
- Wounded Rat Productions
- SRS Cinema
Official Trailer: