Conjuring Baba (2022)


Conjuring Baba (2022) PosterSynopsis: A college campus is plagued by serial murders at the hands of an ancient, evil force. Students conjure the vengeful spirit of a genie named Baba to help them stop the killings, but always be careful what you ask for when dealing with demonic forces.

Directed by: Jeff Carroll

Written by: Jeff Carroll

Starring: Gabriella Melo, Josiah Belema and Keith Wade

Genre: Horror

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Amalia Ashley
  • Angel Cleare
  • Anthony Philistin
  • Dexter Angry
  • Donnie Morris Jr.
  • Gabriella Melo
  • Irish Gardner
  • Jeff Carroll
  • Jeff Kirkendall
  • Josiah Belema
  • Keith Wade
  • Lendell Roberts
  • Malcolm Carroll
  • Melissa Castellanos
  • Patrick Charlemagne
  • Paul Dillard
  • Pedro Otaiza
  • Takita Keaton


  • Polonia Brothers Entertainment
  • Red, Black & Green Productions


  • Wild Eye Releasing


Official Trailer:

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