Conjuring The Beyond (2022)


Conjuring The Beyond (2022) PosterSynopsis: Recently divorced and feeling lost, Wanda signs up for an alternative sleep study in a desperate attempt to alleviate her worsening mental health. Lead researcher, Dr. Richard Pretorious, is certain he can use hypnosis to combat the frightening condition of sleep paralysis. However, when the other participants start to go missing, and Pretorious becomes increasingly and dangerously obsessed with the demons of the human mind, Wanda must unravel the mystery of her condition before it’s too late.

Directed by: Calvin Morie McCarthy

Written by: Calvin Morie McCarthy

Starring: Victoria Grace Borrello, Steve Larkin and Tim Coyle

Genre: Horror

Category: Psychological / Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Chynna Rae Shurts
  • Grace Borrello
  • Jax Kellington
  • Jon meggison
  • Neil Green
  • Steve Larkin
  • Tim Coyle
  • Victoria Grace Borrello


  • Raptor FX Studio
  • 7th Street Productions


  • Breaking Glass Pictures


Official Trailer:

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