Cora (2024)


Cora (2024) PosterSynopsis: In a bleak and ravaged future, decades after a deadly mist swept across the Earth, extinguishing most of humanity, Cora fights to reclaim what’s been lost. The world is now a ghostly shadow of its former self – cities swallowed by the toxic haze, silence where life once thrived. Amid this desolation, Cora works for an enigmatic organization, tirelessly striving to reverse the apocalypse’s grip. Each day is a battle against despair, as she wades through the ruins of a civilization on the brink of oblivion, driven by a flicker of hope that refuses to die. In a world where the sky itself has turned against them, Cora stands as one of the last vestiges of resistance, her resolve as unyielding as the mist that surrounds her.

Directed by: Sonny Laguna and Tommy Wiklund

Written by: Sonny Laguna, David Liljeblad and Tommy Wiklund

Starring: Felicia Rylander, Andreas Rylander and Thomas Lennon

Genre: Horror / Science Fiction / Thriller

Category: Apocalypse / Survival

Country: Sweden

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Alec Toselli
  • Alex Fatehnia
  • Andreas Rylander
  • Caroline Mathiasen
  • Christian Bitar
  • Felicia Rylander
  • Michael Paré
  • Patrick Saxe
  • Sanne Broström
  • Thomas Lennon


  • Stockholm Syndrome Film


  • Terror Films

Release Date:

  • September 27, 2024

Official Trailer:

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