Synopsis: Peaceful Creek – once a sanctuary of serenity – has morphed into a sinister ground zero for the unexplained. Tourists are vanishing without a trace, their belongings left behind like eerie breadcrumbs. Frightened locals whisper of a horrifying creature, a grotesque hybrid of human and alligator, seen by terrified teens as it savagely devoured their friends. The police, shrouded in silence and secrecy, only deepen the chilling rumors of the legendary Crocodylus Monster lurking in the shadows. Into this murky abyss steps Harry Bates, a gritty, no-nonsense private investigator known for dismantling myths and uncovering cold, hard truths. Hired by the striking Allie Glades, who is desperate to find her missing brother, Bates plunges headfirst into the enigma. What he unearths are not just tales of horror but terrifying connections to the very real, nightmarish human-alligator hybrid that has claimed Peaceful Creek as its hunting ground.
Directed by: Stanley Pomianowski
Written by: Stanley Pomianowski
Starring: Chuck Fusca, Johnny Alonso and Rachel Comeau
Genre: Horror / Comedy
Category: Creature & Monster
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alexis Baca
- Ana Gorayeb
- Andy Gion
- Ani Henry-Walker
- Austin Lampe
- Carson Jean Holley
- Chuck Fusca
- Dana Anderwald
- Eugene Glenn
- James Ferrigno
- Janice Fisher
- Jim Serrano
- Johnny Alonso
- Marc Lucia
- Michael Mclaren
- Rachel Comeau
- Sheryl Carbonell
- Zach Lane
- Duck Duck Productions
- Executive Studio Productions
- 101 Films
Where Available:
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