Synopsis: When high school senior Mary Eldritch and her friends unwittingly release a terrifying ancient Irish entity on their unsuspecting hometown, they must learn the secret behind the malicious demon and banish it before the end of Halloween night or be haunted forever.
Directed by: Rob York
Written by: Rob York, Scott Baird and R.H. Grimly
Starring: Chelsea Jurkiewicz, Tanner Gillman and Colin Cunningham
Genre: Horror / Fantasy
Category: Creature Feature / Supernatural
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Ariana Bagley
- Chelsea Jurkiewicz
- Colin Cunningham
- Cory Dangerfield
- Hailey Smith
- Halem Medina
- James Morris
- Monica Moore Smith
- Tanner Gillman
- Arrowstorm Entertainment
- Firespire Productions
- Candlelight Media Group
Official Trailer: