Day Of The Clones (2024)


Day Of The Clones (2024) PosterSynopsis: As homicidal clones ravage the world, leaving death and chaos in their wake, a guilt-ridden scientist retreats to a secluded farmhouse, determined to shield a small band of survivors. Haunted by the role he played in the clones’ creation, he struggles to keep hope alive amidst the relentless onslaught. However, as his girlfriend’s pregnancy progresses, a terrifying realization dawns: the unborn child she carries might hold the key to humanity’s extinction, a final, twisted masterpiece of the very science he now seeks to undo. The farmhouse becomes a crucible of dread, where love, fear, and survival collide, and the line between protector and destroyer blurs.

Directed by: Eric Steele

Written by: Eric Steele

Starring: Sean Cernow, Johnny Topping and Laura Montgomery Bennett

Genre: Horror / Science Fiction

Category: Apocalypse

Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Adam Weldrick
  • Adrian Palmer
  • Andrew Mullington
  • Chloe Malarkey
  • Johnny Topping
  • Kerry Corcoran
  • Laura Montgomery Bennett
  • Laura Petrie
  • Matthew Scott
  • Natasha Lucia Rea
  • Sam Burns
  • Sean Cernow


  • Vamoose Productions


  • Random Media

Release Date:

  • August 13, 2024

Official Trailer:

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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