Dead Teenagers (2024)


Dead Teenagers (2024) PosterSynopsis: Five teenagers, on what was meant to be an adventurous weekend getaway, find themselves stalked by a relentless killer in the dark, eerie woods. The tension escalates as they navigate the forest, every shadow and rustle a potential threat. Just when they think their nightmare can’t get any worse, fate intervenes in a twisted way – the killer accidentally dies. However, their relief is short-lived. The teens soon realize they are trapped within the confines of a horrifying movie script, an unseen force binding them to its deadly plot. Escape is impossible until the story reaches its gruesome conclusion. With no other option, they must confront a chilling reality: they have to fulfill the script’s demands. Now, the ultimate terror unfolds as they grapple with a heart-wrenching decision – deciding who among them will live and who will meet a gruesome end. As the boundaries between fiction and reality blur, every choice they make carries life-or-death consequences, pushing their bonds of friendship and sanity to the brink. The only way out is to follow the script, but who will have the strength to endure until the final cut?

Directed by: Quinn Armstrong

Written by: Quinn Armstrong

Starring: Jordan Myers, Maya Jeyam and Tony White

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Serial Killer / Slasher 

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Angel Ray
  • Beau Roberts
  • Chris Hahn
  • Jordan Myers
  • MaryCharles Miller
  • Maya Jeyam
  • Tony White


  • Genre Labs
  • Good Deed Entertainment


  • Cranked Up Films

Release Date:

  • September 13, 2024

Official Trailer:

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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