Synopsis: In the aftermath of a savage massacre that brutally claimed the lives of her closest friends, Erin Severson is thrust into a relentless fight for survival. The horror of that night haunts her every waking moment, the faces of her friends twisted in terror etched into her mind. She walks a desolate path, burdened by the crushing weight of grief and stalked by the ominous presence of an unseen assailant. Determined to untangle the dark web of lies and secrets that led to the tragedy, Erin embarks on a perilous quest to unmask the merciless killer who shattered her world. Every step she takes is a battle against the paralyzing fear that threatens to consume her, her resolve forged in the fires of anguish and fury.
Directed by: Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo
Written by: Zach Jansen and MJ Palo
Starring: Krystal Lynn, Jasmeet Baduwalia and Nathaniel Hinson
Genre: Horror / Mystery / Thriller
Category: Serial Killer / Slasher
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Amanda Morgan
- Chad William Michael
- Cicely Capozzi
- Dan Morrison
- Grace Winters
- Gregory Klino
- Hilary Larivee
- Holly Lorge
- Jasmeet Baduwalia
- Krystal Lynn
- Lauren Shaw
- Nathaniel Hinson
- Nicolas Bullentini
- Ragen LoCricchio
- Riley Martinez
- Robb Russo
- Shannon Holdridge
- Wendy Feign
- Mad Wife Productions
- Mad Wife Productions
Where To Watch:
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- Not yet available