Synopsis: The story of a man condemned to wander between reality and a sinister fantasy, as he tries to form a perfect family. Cornered between cannibalism and twisted religiousness, he ends up reproducing the inhuman bizarre treatment he was subjected to by his family.
Directed by: Luciano de Azevedo
Written by: Luciano de Azevedo
Starring: Ramon Brant, Iuri Alvarenga and Sandra Emília
Genre: Horror
Category: Foreign / Anthology / Cannibal / Cult & Occult
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Original Title: Cabrito
Main Cast:
- Fernanda Thurann
- Fernanda Welter
- Iuri Alvarenga
- Magui Bravi
- Mia Mozart
- Ramon Brant
- Samir Hauaji
- Sandra Emília
- BR Produções
- Brisa Filmes
- RodaFilmes
- 101 Films
- Black Mandala
Official Trailer: