God Of Pain (2023)


God Of Pain (2023) PosterSynopsis: A man jolts awake in the dead of night, sprawled in the middle of a deserted street. Panic seizes him as he struggles to remember who he is, where he is, or how he came to be there. As the oppressive silence of the night presses down on him, he begins to realize that his surroundings are not the only mystery he faces. Shadows from his past emerge, forcing him to confront the tormenting demons he has long tried to escape. Each step he takes unravels a deeper layer of his own tortured psyche, until he stumbles upon a sinister gateway. This ominous portal pulses with a dark energy, heralding the presence of Algea, the God of Pain. As the gateway creaks open, it beckons him to uncover the harrowing secrets it guards – secrets that threaten to consume him and plunge him into an abyss of eternal suffering.

Directed by: Jd Allen

Written by: Jd Allen and Shyina Crayton

Starring: Jason K. Wixom, Musa Aden and Layla Ajeel

Genre: Horror / Science Fiction

Category: Psychological / Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Original Title: Algea: God Of Pain

Main Cast:

  • Bobby Cody
  • David Bianco
  • Elijah Cameron
  • Hani Ali
  • Jason K. Wixom
  • Jd Allen
  • Jenessa Sheffield
  • Jennica Anusua
  • Jennifer Gigi Bayanni
  • Jerry Chidester
  • Jessica Alexa Castro
  • John Campanile
  • Jshaun Allen
  • Layla Ajeel
  • Musa Aden
  • Sahviena Ballard
  • Sofia Ali
  • Yvonne Bass


  • Inglewood Films
  • Chiyoko Productions
  • Dough Networkz
  • HarlowFX
  • Zepstone Media


  • 4Digital Media

Release Date:

  • August 27, 2024

Official Trailer:

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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