Hard Home (2024)


Hard Home (2024) PosterSynopsis: A grieving mother, her heart shattered by the brutal and senseless loss of her beloved daughter, transforms into a relentless and unyielding hunter. Consumed by a burning desire for vengeance, she meticulously and cunningly lures her daughter’s remorseless killer into her carefully constructed lair. This lair, a labyrinthine, high-tech fortress that once served as her family’s sanctuary, now becomes a nightmarish arena of retribution. Within its dark, twisting corridors and hidden traps, the killer finds himself ensnared in a sinister and deadly game of cat and mouse. Each step he takes is fraught with peril as he desperately fights for his life, all while facing the boundless and ferocious wrath of a mother driven by unimaginable grief and a fierce thirst for justice. The fortress, echoing with the specter of lost innocence and maternal fury, becomes a place where the hunter becomes the hunted, and survival is a fleeting hope amidst a storm of unrelenting revenge.

Directed by: James Bamford

Written by: Mark Shea Price

Starring: Simone Kessell, Joseph Millson and Andrew Howard

Genre: Thriller

Category: Home Invasion / Serial Killer

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Alexander Evgeniev
  • Andrew Howard
  • Daniel Ray Rodriguez
  • Daphne Cheung
  • Devora Wilde
  • Joseph Millson
  • Rachel Adedeji
  • Rosie Day
  • Simone Kessell
  • Teresa Cendon-Garcia


  • SP Media Group


  • Paramount Pictures


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