Synopsis: Amidst the shadows of a covert war between lycanthropes and humans, a pack of werewolves and a fanatical order of werewolf hunters engage in a relentless struggle for survival. To the unknowing public, they are rival biker gangs – the Hellhounds and Silver Bullets – whose violent clashes shatter the night. Their brutal conflict ravages the werewolf ranks, leaving only one survivor: Alias. Rising from the carnage, Alias, the last werewolf standing, sets forth on a blood-soaked path of vengeance, determined to obliterate those who decimated his kind.
Directed by: Robert Conway
Written by: Robert Conway
Starring: Nathaniel Burns, Eva Hamilton and Cameron Kotecki
Genre: Horror / Action
Category: Werewolf
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Amelia Haberman
- Ángel Ruiz
- Anna Harr
- Becky Jo Harris
- Cameron Kotecki
- Carl Bailey
- Charlie E Motley
- Dan Weisgerber
- Dana Kippel
- Daniel Link
- Eva Hamilton
- Joe Agostinacci
- Michael Ochotorena
- Moses Jackson
- Nathaniel Burns
- Rene Barraza Jr.
- Roman Aguirre
- Tim Sauer
- Blue Side Up Films
- Film Core
- Fun House Features
- Hohlo Graphic Productions
- Uncork’d Entertainment
Official Trailer:
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