Hex (2022)


Hex (2022) PosterSynopsis: Sarah joins a team of skydivers to help them execute a dangerous formation jump called The Hex, ignoring warnings that the act may be cursed. While successfully performing the stunt, one of the jumpers vanishes into thin air. Later, as the survivors search for him, surreal and deadly events afflict each of them in turn, but will Sarah likewise succumb to the wrath of The Hex?

Directed by: Chris Johnston and Andy Malchiodi

Written by: Hans Rodionoff

Starring: Kayla Adams, Matthew Holcomb and Bryan Roberts

Genre: Horror / Thriller / Adventure / Action

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Brad Worch II
  • Bryan Roberts
  • Chloe Berman
  • Christiaan Rendle
  • Cody Renee Cameron
  • Courtney Munch
  • Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld
  • Eric Alperin
  • Jonathan Wong
  • Kayla Adams
  • Matthew Holcomb
  • Quinn Early
  • Rob Mars
  • Schno Mozingo


  • Lionsgate Home Entertainment


Official Trailer:

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