Synopsis: An ambitious young illustrator is forced to create four of the most terrifying stories imaginable for a new comic book based on basic human fears. But with each story she creates, the stakes become higher and more deadly as she delves deeper into the nature of evil itself.
Directed by: Anthony Catanese, Tim Ritter, Todd Sheets and Brad Sykes
Written by: Anthony Catanese, Tim Ritter, Todd Sheets, Brad Sykes and Josephina Sykes
Starring: Kristin Lorenz, Dilynn Fawn Harvey and Todd Martin
Genre: Horror
Category: Anthology
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alexander Brotherton
- Annalee Mae Dorsey
- Bella Curro
- Brandon E. Brooks
- Dilynn Fawn Harvey
- Douglas Epps
- Geoff Allen
- Haley Chambers
- Ingrid Dittmeier Hansen
- Jo Gonsalves
- Kristin Lorenz
- Leila Jean Davis
- Michael S. Harrington
- Nick Guagliardo
- P.J. Brescia
- Sheila Brandon Allen
- Todd Martin
- Tony Ferguson
- Trish Erickson-Martin
- Nightfall Pictures
- Wild Eye Releasing
Official Trailer: