Horror In The High Desert 3: Firewatch (2024)


Horror In The High Desert 3 Firewatch (2024) PosterSynopsis: As a relentless wildfire engulfs the opposite side of the state, casting a fiery glow across the horizon, Oscar Mendoza seizes the moment. Armed with a dark secret and driven by an unyielding determination, he sets out on a perilous journey to the remote wilderness of Northeastern Nevada. With every step, the urgency of his mission intensifies: to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of outdoorsman Gary Hinge and to find his last known whereabouts. As the flames rage, so does Oscar’s resolve, navigating treacherous terrain and confronting the shadows of his past, all while the clock ticks and the inferno threatens to consume everything in its path.

Directed by: Dutch Marich

Written by: Dutch Marich

Starring: Suziey Block, Marco Antonio Parra and Dutch Marich

Genre: Horror / Thriller / Mystery

Category: Found Footage

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Brian Reyes
  • Brooke Bradshaw
  • Dakota Hansen
  • David Morales
  • Dutch Marich
  • Eric Mencis
  • Laurie Felix Bass
  • Marco Antonio Parra
  • Suziey Block
  • Tonya Williams Ogden


  • Luminol Entertainment


  • Luminol Entertainment

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