Synopsis: After crash-landing on a dark, mist-shrouded planet, Niu hurriedly dons her emergency spacesuit, her heart pounding as she sets out to find survivors – especially her young son. The fog isn’t just a veil of shadows; it’s alive, shifting with ominous intent. As she navigates the murky terrain, Niu realizes the lights she needs to search for her boy also attract a predatory alien creature. With oxygen running low, Niu is thrust into a deadly game of hide-and-seek, her every move shadowed by the creature’s unseen menace. However, as she encounters other survivors, the true horror unfolds – none of them are here by accident, and something far worse than the alien predator is lurking in the dark, waiting to strike.
Directed by: Matt Woollard
Written by: Matt Woollard
Starring: Gia Lily, Christine Roche and Anna Swan
Genre: Horror / Science Fiction / Thriller
Category: Alien / Creature & Monster / Survival
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Anna Swan
- Christine Roche
- David A. Bradley
- Gia Lily
- Ian Thomas
- James Woollard
- Matt Woollard
- Tedroy Newell
- Outatime Films
- Vertical Entertainment
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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Critics’ Reviews:
- Not yet available