Low Life (2022)


Low Life (2022) PosterSynopsis: Benny, a small time YouTube star who catches predators online, experiences a night from hell when he lets one of them into his own home.

Directed by: Tyler Michael James

Written by: Hunter Milano and Noah Rotter

Starring: Lucas Neff, Wes Dunlap and Lucy Urbano

Genre: Thriller / Crime / Drama

Category: Found FootagePsychological

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Annie Milligan
  • Anthony Sorrells
  • Ben Weinswig
  • Devin Sidell
  • Hunter Milano
  • Ian Salazar
  • Jake Dvorsky
  • John Dellaporta
  • Lucas McKeever
  • Lucas Neff
  • Lucy Urbano
  • Luna Montana
  • Marguerite Moreau
  • Milo Simpson
  • Nancy Nazari
  • Nathan Ward
  • Noah Rotter
  • Wes Dunlap


  • Ad Opus Productions
  • M Suite Media


  • XYZ Films


Official Trailer:

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