Synopsis: In the near future the world is sinking into war and chaos, but Switzerland has sealed itself off as an island of the rich. A despotic cheese magnate is ruling the country with an iron fist to maintain an artificial postcard-image of Switzerland. When Heidi is abducted by brutal government troops, she must defend herself and fight her war against the cheese-fueled machinery of hate.
Directed by: Johannes Hartmann and Sandro Klopfstein
Written by: Sandro Klopfstein, Johannes Hartmann, Gregory D. Widmer and Trent Haaga
Starring: Alice Lucy, Max Rüdlinger and Casper Van Dien
Genre: Horror / Comedy / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Country: Switzerland
Language: English / Swiss German
Main Cast:
- Alice Lucy
- Almar G. Sato
- Andrea Fischer-Schulthess
- Casper Van Dien
- David Schofield
- Dieter Friedli
- Dominique Jann
- Jacqueline Fuchs
- Julia Föry
- Kaspar Weiss
- Katja Kolm
- Kel Matsena
- Leon Herbert
- Max Rüdlinger
- Pascal Ulli
- Patti Basler
- Rebecca Dyson-Smith
- Werner Biermeier
- Swissploitation Films
- A Film Company
- Raven Banner Entertainment
Official Trailer: