Marry F*** Kill (2023)


Mary Fuck Kill (2023) PosterSynopsis: Five estranged college friends reunite to attend their friend’s funeral after a shocking suicide. Scarred by a past betrayal that led to the ultimate demise of their friendship, an innocent game of Marry Fuck Kill spawns into something far more sinister than they could have imagined.

Directed by: Caroline Labrèche

Written by: Ian Carpenter and Aaron Martin

Starring: Jedidiah Goodacre, Maxine Denis and Robbie G.K.

Genre: Horror

Category: Supernatural

Country: Canada

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Cynthia Jimenez-Hicks
  • Deanna Jarvis
  • Devin Cecchetto
  • Jedidiah Goodacre
  • Maxine Denis
  • Michael Buie
  • Robbie G.K.
  • Taio Gélinas
  • Tanya Clarke
  • Xavier Sotelo


  • Incendo Productions


  • Tubi TV

Official Trailer:

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