Synopsis: After being whisked away in a car by a stranger, Lisa awakens to find herself trapped in a chilling nightmare. Bound by a countdown bracelet on her wrist, she realizes that every eight minutes, flames engulf a section of her claustrophobic confinement. With each passing moment, survival becomes a desperate crawl through the narrow corridors of safety. However, to unravel the mystery behind her terrifying ordeal and secure her freedom, Lisa must confront the haunting specter of her deceased daughter, delving deep into the abyss of her own memories.
Directed by: Mathieu Turi
Written by: Mathieu Turi
Starring: Gaia Weiss, Peter Franzen and Romane Libert
Genre: Horror / Science Fiction / Thriller / Mystery / Drama
Country: France
Language: French / English
Main Cast:
- Carl Laforêt
- Corneliu Dragomirescu
- Eva Niewdanski
- Fabien Houssaye
- Frédéric Franchitti
- Gaia Weiss
- Henri Benard
- Olympe Turi
- Peter Franzén
- Romane Libert
- Fulltime Studio
- Cinéfrance Studios
- Equitime
- WTFilms
- Orange Cinéma Séries
- Alba Films
- SG Image 2018
- Cinéaxe
- Ynnis Interactive
- Gravitas Ventures
Official Trailer: