Mind Leech (2023)


Mind Leech (2023) PosterSynopsis: A very persuasive leech is wreaking havoc in rural Provinstate, 1998. On a mission to expand its horizons, the influential invertebrate enlists the help of the local townsfolk, but the police are soon on the tail of the pesky parasite.

Directed by: Chris Cheeseman and Paul Krysinski

Written by: Chris Cheeseman

Starring: Steff Ivory Conover, Mischa O’Hoski and Paul Krysinski

Genre: Horror

Category: Creature Feature

Country: Canada

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Chad Coles
  • Chris Cheeseman
  • Daniel James McGee
  • Hugh Goodden
  • Jeff William Campbell
  • Max Emery McGee
  • Mischa O’Hoski
  • Murray Christopher McKay
  • Paul Krysinski
  • Ryan Brown
  • Sarah Gates
  • Steff Ivory Conover
  • Veronica Matthews
  • Zak Hanna


  • Mind Leech Productions

Official Trailer:

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