Synopsis: Washed-up MMA fighter Cole Young, unaware of his heritage, and hunted by Emperor Shang Tsung’s best warrior, Sub-Zero, seeks out and trains with Earth’s greatest champions as he prepares to stand against the enemies of Outworld in a high stakes battle for the universe.
Directed by: Simon McQuoid
Written by: Greg Russo, Dave Callaham, Oren Uziel, Ed Boon and John Tobias
Starring: Lewis Tan, Jessica McNamee and Josh Lawson
Genre: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Science Fiction / Thriller
Country: United States
Language: English / Japanese / Chinese
Main Cast:
- Chin Han
- Daniel Nelson
- Hiroyuki Sanada
- Ian Streetz
- Jessica McNamee
- Joe Taslim
- Josh Lawson
- Laura Brent
- Lewis Tan
- Ludi Lin
- Matilda Kimber
- Max Huang
- Mehcad Brooks
- Mel Jarnson
- Nathan Jones
- Sisi Stringer
- Tadanobu Asano
- Yukiko Shinohara
- New Line Cinema
- Atomic Monster
- Broken Road Productions
- Warner Bros.
Official Trailer: