Neon Lights (2022)


Neon Lights (2022) PosterSynopsis: When the lights, camera, and press become overwhelming for Clay, a thirty-two-year-old, revolutionary tech tycoon, he liquidates all of his assets and purchases an estate off the grid. Finally securing peace, quiet and freedom, he begins his new quest: searching and rebuilding his foster family from urban San Francisco. What starts off as a beautiful reunion of several misfits and their off-springs, quickly takes a turn for the worse, they begin disappearing.

Directed by: Rouzbeh Heydari

Written by: Dana Abraham, Nikolas Benn and Rouzbeh Heydari

Starring: Dana Abraham, Brenna Coates and Kim Coates

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Psychological

Country: Canada

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Brenna Coates
  • Brit MacRae
  • Dana Abraham
  • Erika Swayze
  • Kim Coates
  • Lauren Howe
  • René Escobar Jr.
  • Stephen Tracey


  • Red Hill Entertainment
  • Twin Fins Productions


  • Momentum Pictures


Official Trailer:

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