Once Upon A Time In Amityville is a 2024 supernatural horror movie about two bounty hunters drawn to the newly built town of Amityville, where a vengeful, centuries-old demonic force unleashes relentless terror and destruction.
Synopsis: Two relentless bounty hunters, driven by the promise of a hefty reward, track their elusive quarry to the freshly minted town of Amityville. However, as they step into its seemingly serene streets, an unsettling sense of dread takes hold. In this town, appearances are deceiving, and a sinister force pulses beneath the facade of normalcy. The hunters soon find themselves ensnared in a nightmarish struggle for survival against a malevolent entity, a centuries-old demonic force that corrupts and annihilates all in its path. What began as a simple chase now becomes a harrowing fight for their very lives and souls, as they confront an ancient evil that threatens to consume them.
Directed by: Mark Polonia
Written by: Aaron Drake, Mark Polonia
Starring: Ken Van Sant, Tim Hatch, Titus Himmelberger
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Western
Category: Supernatural
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Jeff Kirkendall
- Ken Van Sant
- Mark Polonia
- Natalie Himmelberger
- Noyes J. Lawton
- Tim Hatch
- Titus Himmelberger
- Polonia Brothers Entertainment
- Wild Eye Releasing
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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