Synopsis: When trainee nurse Anna agrees to accompany her partner to see her ailing father at their country home, she worries her background will make her an outcast among the wealthy Redferne family. Upon arrival, Anna begins to realize that she may have underplayed her problems and that they may have more to do with ritual sacrifice than they do with societal differences.
Directed by: Alex Secker
Written by: Alex Secker
Starring: Daniella Faircloth, Erin Leighton and Shaniece Williams
Genre: Horror
Category: Cult & Occult
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alex Pitcher
- Daniella Faircloth
- Erin Leighton
- Karen Payne
- Onyx L
- Shaniece Williams
- Tony Manders
- Berrow Bay Productions
- 22Six Productions
- Iridescent Productions
- High Octane Pictures
Official Trailer: