Synopsis: During the sweltering summertime of rural Spain, Sara carries an extra load of teenage agony due to the perpetual bullying from her peers. She’s also an outsider at home, her parents and little brother just don’t understand her, so she’s often found buried in her headphones, drowning out her surroundings. One day, Sara’s usual solo dip at the local pool is disrupted by the presence of a mysterious stranger in the water and an exceptionally grueling bout of abuse at the hands of three girls. But, in a strange twist of fate, along the way home Sara witnesses her bloodied tormentors being kidnapped in the back of the stranger’s van. Sara must decide whether to cooperate with the police and parents’ questioning about the kidnappings, or take her own, unbridled path, while also discovering the power of desire and belonging, and the distinction between revenge and redemption.
Directed by: Carlota Pereda
Written by: Carlota Pereda
Starring: Laura Galán, Richard Holmes and Carmen Machi
Genre: Horror / Thriller / Drama
Category: Foreign / Serial Killer / Slasher
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Original Title: Cerdita
Main Cast:
- Amets Otxoa
- Camille Aguilar
- Carmen Machi
- Chema del Barco
- Claudia Salas
- Fernando Delgado-Hierro
- Fred Tatien
- Irene Ferreiro
- José Pastor
- Julián Valcárcel
- Laura Galán
- Mabel del Pozo
- Pilar Castro
- Richard Holmes
- Stéphanie Magnin Vella
- Morena Films
- Backup Studio
- Cerdita
- Comunidad de Madrid
- Indéfilms
- Junta de Extremadura
- La Banque Postale
- Moreno Films
- Movistar+
- Radio Televisión Española
- Magnet Releasing
Official Trailer: