Synopsis: Autumn, 1830. West Point military Cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York come upon a man eviscerated on a bizarre wooden rack. His dying words direct them to a forgotten community, which they believe is guarding sinister secrets. Enthralled by the Innkeeper’s beautiful and mysterious daughter Charlotte, and fueled by the town residents’ refusal to speak to the murder, Poe determines to uncover the truth. Risking his life and more, Poe ultimately comes face to face with the terrifying creature that will haunt him forever.
Directed by: Christopher Hatton
Written by: Christopher Hatton and Chuck Reeves
Starring: William Moseley, Melanie Zanetti and Kate Dickie
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Category: Supernatural
Country: United Kingdom / Latvia
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Callum McGowan
- Callum Woodhouse
- David Hayman
- Elza Klavina
- Juris Strenga
- Kate Dickie
- Kyle Rowe
- Marija Mara Markus
- Mathis Landwehr
- Melanie Zanetti
- Michael Guest
- Nikijs Zilevs
- Oberon K.A. Adjepong
- Toms Treinis
- William Moseley
- Canoe Film
- 828 Media Capital
- Cinevilla Studio
- Creativity Capital
- Shudder
Official Trailer: