Schlitter: Evil In The Woods (2023)


Schlitter Evil In The Woods (2023) PosterSynopsis: Lucas and Mathias, eight-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vosges forest, share an unbreakable bond. One tragic day, while driving down the mountain, Lucas’ father fatally collides with Mathias, who is cycling. From the back seat, Lucas watches in horror as his father disposes of his friend’s lifeless body in a ravine. A single glance reveals the grim truth: Lucas must carry the weight of this terrible secret forever. Twenty years later, Lucas returns to the area for his parents’ funeral, accompanied by his girlfriend and his best friend. He unexpectedly encounters Mathias’ father. Guilt-ridden, Lucas agrees to join him for coffee. However, as old wounds are reopened, Lucas and his friends find themselves ensnared in a web of vengeance and retribution from which they may not escape unscathed.

Directed by: Pierre Mouchet

Written by: Pierre Mouchet and Nicolas Robin

Starring: Louka Meliava, Léna Laprès and Gilles David

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Foreign / Survival

Country: France

Language: French

Original Title: Schlitter

Main Cast:

  • André Pasquasy
  • Antime Calbrie Ekeloo
  • Arnaud Kervyn
  • Bernard Eylenbosch
  • Côme Levin
  • Emmanuel Joucla
  • Gilles David
  • Louka Meliava
  • Léna Laprès
  • Marie-Paule Kumps
  • Nelson Maerten


  • SerialB Studio
  • Sombrero Films


  • Signature Entertainment (UK)

Release Date:

  • August 26, 2024 (UK)

Official Trailer:

External Links:

Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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