Seven Boxes (2022)


Synopsis: Seven people, seven hours and seven deadly boxes, past events have brought them together and they must now figure out why in order to survive.

Directed by: Andrew Sean Eltham-Byers

Written by: Andrew Sean Eltham-Byers

Starring: Josh Boden, Jesse James Reynolds and Brinke Stevens

Genre: Horror

Category: Survival

Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Billy John Twomey
  • Brinke Stevens
  • Charles Chudabala
  • Deren Stevens
  • Heather Russell-Kay
  • Jason Caceres
  • Jesse James Reynolds
  • Josh Boden
  • Karl O’Brien
  • Kathleen Ray
  • Lauren Donoghue
  • Matt Fisher
  • Nathan Head
  • Paul Gregory
  • Robyn Kingston
  • Rocky Ciarrocchi
  • Sam Dennis
  • Susan Barham


  • CineSavage Films
  • Star-Dot Productions


  • Star-Dot Productions

Official Trailer:

  • Not yet available!

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